Important information

for your stay at Mair am Turm

  • Prices are calculated per person and day.
  • Prices are subject to a tourist tax of € 2.90 per person (aged 14 and over) per day.
  • For single occupancy of a double room (subject to availability), a surcharge of Euro 30.00 per day will be charged.

Child Discounts

in parents' room with 2 full-paying guests

  • Children aged 3-6 with extra bed in parents' room -50%
  • Children aged 7-12 with extra bed in parents' room -30%
  • Children aged 13-15 with extra bed in parents' room -15%
Arrival & Departure
  • Please plan to have the rooms ready for occupancy on the day of arrival from 2:00 pm. If you arrive after 6:00 pm, please let us know. 
  • On arrival on Sunday: Check-in by arrangement.
  • On the day of departure, we kindly ask you to vacate the rooms by 11:00 am at the latest.

Your four-legged friend is welcome in our house (on request). We charge € 10.00 per day without food. 
Dogs are not allowed in the dining rooms.


Our rooms are non-smoking rooms, feel free to enjoy your cigarette on the balcony or terrace.


Limited cash payment in accordance with Italian regulations, you can also pay with your Bankomat or VISA card.

Account details Mair am Turm:
IBAN: IT 83 C 08278 59000 000300200468


The right of withdrawal as laid down in the Consumers' Code (notification pursuant to Part III, Section III, Paragraph I of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, Consumers' Code) is not contemplated – however, we are willing to apply the following conditions for withdrawal: please be aware that, should your arrival be delayed, or if you decide to leave prematurely, we will charge you 80% of the rate for the days you had originally booked. Please be aware that, in the event of cancellations less than 2 week prior to scheduled arrival you will be charged for the room in accordance with Italian accommodation laws.


A deposit of 30% is due after booking. In case of cancellation, the amount paid will be retained and credited to you for a next booking within one year.